For ease in shopping at Bag-It Designs 2 - use the search box in the upper right hand corner. Make sure the box is set to "This Shop". You can shop for coordinating items by using one of the words in the title of an item you like - in this case "funky" would work. All the other matching items will come up.
You can also search by item - "cell phone bag" - "coffee cuff" etc. and everything that's available that day will pop up as a separate list. Easy and quick. Happy shopping!
Here in Minnesota the apple and crab apple trees are exploding with blooms ranging from white to vivid hot pink. My most favorite tree in the whole world is ready to pop. It will be in full bloom when my second most favorite tree (in my back yard) is dropping it's beautiful pink blossoms.
These pastel accessories will put a little pink in your life and get you ready for spring and summer.
Spring in Paris! The spring tulips, daffodils, and apple blossoms put on quite a show! Susan had a great trip and is back, refreshed and ready to get back to business. has reopened. Watch for new items.
Three sisters, three studios, working together for Bag-It Designs.
We have 4 Etsy shops: - bags, purses and totes; -
accessories and purse organization; - Gallery of Beautiful Things; - fabric and sewing supplies